
Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Why Am I Here?

Here I am. Not that I know where to start but at least I am here. My very first blog. I guess this one is supposed to be pretty important from all the blogging 101 and blogging for dummies articles I scanned. But all I'm thinking about this minute is this pretty big, pretty blank white page with a big orange and white "B" in the corner. And that I need a profile picture next to my blog name soon. In 20 years will I be proud of this blog? Yep, I actually will.

I named this post inspirations (except I'm not sure I did that right because after I gave the post the "Inspirations" name, it then asked me for a "title" hence the second name, "Why Am I Here"?) because I think what's inspired me to be here is a good beginning. What has inspired me to start a blog? For starters, I  think I have too much going on in my brain not to share. I see or hear something that's inspired me and I can't wait to share it with somebody else. But most of the time I don't. I enjoy what has moved me until it fades and is forgotten about. I figure this will give me an outlet to share those experiences and not forget them so soon. But if I had to pinpoint what or who exactly inspired me to create this profile and write a post today, it's because of a singer/songwriter named Justin Farren. His father is a coworker and friend of mine who gave me his son's CD. I've always been a lover of words but I am by NO means a professional writer, and I'm sure those of you who are have already found too many grammatical errors to count and I promise you there will be more. But that's never stopped my love for words. Since my daughter who is now 4 years old was born, it feels like I haven't been able to find the time or enough quiet space to read like I once used to. But I can't feel too sorry for myself because we all make time for what we really care about and love right? Along with being a wife, I've also raised 19 and 22 year old sons and have had plenty of hobbies; a former roller derby girl for Sac City Rollers, and lead singer in my own Rockabilly band the last 6 years (but that's another post.)

With all the hustle and bustle and routines of life, I had forgotten how powerful words through music are. Justin gave me a reminder through tears one day while driving after work in 5:00 traffic across town on a craigslist find for my new vintage kitchen table! His song called, "Little Blue Dirt Bike" made me ball like I just fell off a little pink barstool. Justin's story telling through song woke me up and I will forever be grateful to his dad for giving me that CD and to Justin for sharing his world through words and music.

Another inspiration is a blogger by the name of Ari Seth Cohen. The jewels (men and women over a certain age) this man has day lighted has been incredible to say the least. I love seeing people young and especially old living their lives to the fullest. His blogging stories and photos of these individuals has helping me not to fear the aging process but to embrace it! I've never been one to blend in with the world, but seeing these men and women through new color has helped me to feel a bit more free again. And I like how it feels.

Like Mae West said,
You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.

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